To all our valued Tenants and Customers,

With the announcement of the statewide Lockdown due to Covid 19, Southern Cross Housing (SCH) has had to review how we provide service during this time. SCH is considered an essential service and as so will continue to endeavor to provide the best possible service to those who need us most. It is important that you know that we are here to help as best we can throughout the lockdown period.

Please know you are not alone; our staff will still be available to assist you with your enquiries. This however will look a little different than normal. Most of our enquiries will be handled over the phone or where only necessary, via office appointment. Our offices will remain open but by appointment only. All maintenance will continue but in accordance with NSW Covid regulations.

All Enquiries For all our enquiries please call 1300 757 885 and follow the prompts.

Rent If your income is impacted by Covid 19 you may request a rent review, please notify us as soon as your circumstances change. It is equally important to keep paying your rent during this time.

Tenancy Our tenancy team will remain available to help with your tenancy enquiries, support needs, neighbour disputes, rent questions and any other tenancy related matter on 1300 757 885 ext. 3

Maintenance Our Property Services team will still be here to help you and are available on 1300 757 885 ext. 2

Homeless Services Our Access and Demand team are available during business hours (9am – 5pm) please call 1300 757 885 ext. 4. For enquiries after business hours please call Link 2 Home on 1800 152 152

Communication As the situation changes, we want to communicate with you, we will do so primarily through phone, SMS, and email. If you have changed your contact details it is important to keep us updated. If we don’t have your email address, please feel free to call your housing officer who will be happy to update your details.

We are aware that we have many single and elderly tenants, we are mindful that this time will be a challenge. We would encourage you to say hello to your neighbours, keep an eye out for each other, give each other a call or text to check up regularly. For those who feel isolated please know you are not alone and there is help at the end of the phone, call us if you are in need, we’re here to help.

Kind Regards,

Alex Pontello


Some important numbers and websites:

  • Lifeline – 13 1114
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
  • Headspace –
  • Domestic Violence Hotline – 1800 426 820