Salt Care

Salt Care provides crisis and emergency care for those suffering from disadvantage. We do this by providing: Safe Shelter Shoalhaven, crisis overnight accommodation; Salt Assisted Housing, transitional, short, medium and long term supported accommodation; Salt Store, providing free meals, groceries and clothing; Specialised Support Workers working with individuals...

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SAHSSI Shoalhaven Homeless Hub

The homeless hub is a safe place for people in need, providing information, referral, emergency provisions (including food, toiletries, tents and sleeping bags), together with access to laundry, bathroom and shower facilities.

At the Hub, clients can access computers and qualified support workers who will assist them with private rental...

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Mission Australia Generalist Homelessness Support Service

Cooma SHS supports clients across a spectrum of needs who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by early intervention and intervention through outreach to sustain existing tenancies identied at risk; supported crisis and transitional accommodation with an emphasis on exiting the client into stable housing; provide immediate...

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