This policy relates to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010


The purpose of a Local Allocation Strategy is to enhance the sustainability of communities by addressing specific community issues or needs.

  • Local Allocation Strategy (LAS) – A LAS is a specific allocation approach for a local area. When there is a LAS in place, the needs of the community living in the local area is considered, as well as making sure that the client is matched to a property that meets their needs.

    This policy applies to all SCH managed properties.

    SCH aims to create sustainable communities within the policy framework established by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), while continuing to give priority to applicants who have waited longest on the HOMES waiting list.

    SCH will facilitate successful tenancies, through balancing issues of suitability of the allocation for the organisation, the tenant, and the community, to minimise future tenancy problems and maximise tenant satisfaction. A Local Allocation Strategy (LAS) for certain properties may facilitate this.

    A LAS may be required for properties where:

  • There is a high concentration of tenants with complex health, social or economic issues,
  • There are existing tenancy management issues or there is a potential for them to develop,
  • There is the potential for existing issues to be exacerbated if allocations are not sensitively handled,
  • There is a mismatch of supply and demand making the property hard to let, or
  • In other circumstances to achieve social housing policy outcomes agreed with DCJ,
  • When properties are considered more suitable for a particular cohort.
  • Clients who do not meet the requirements of the LAS may be bypassed in the nomination and allocation process, where a LAS exists and offered the next suitable property. The reason for bypass will be noted in HOMES as LAS.


    Tenancy Managers or Senior Housing Officers are responsible for identifying the need for a LAS, in consultation with the Deputy CEO.
    The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for approving the creation of a LAS.
    A LAS Register is to be maintained within in Green Tree by the Audit & Compliance Officer.

    Documents Related to this Policy

    Related Policies

    • T6a Application and Eligibility – Social Housing
    • T6b Application and Eligibility – Affordable Housing

    Other Related Documents

    • LAS Application Form