Finding your feet in the private rental market can be difficult, especially for those who have just left home and are now searching for a new tenancy. Keys2Renting is a 3 hour face to face course designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to obtain and sustain a private rental property, particularly for those who have had little experience in the private rental market.


The short (3 hour program) covers a range of topics including:

  • Budgeting
  • Tenant rights & responsibilities
  • Financial support to initiate and sustain a tenancy
  • How and where to apply for a tenancy
  • Property maintenance during a tenancy
  • Maintaining relationships with neighbours and real estate agents
  • How to end a tenancy

As a younger person, it can be tough to enter into the private rental market, due to not having a rental reference. This is where the Keys2Renting course can help! Every participant receives a certificate stating they have completed the course and some of the real estate agents in the area are happy to use the course completion certificate in place of a rent reference.

New House Keys