Shoalhaven Flooding Event
On Saturday the 6th of April 2024, the Shoalhaven area experienced an extreme rainfall event of over 160mm in Nowra and surrounding suburbs. Southern Cross Housing’s after hours call centre received calls from 10 tenancies who experienced internal flooding because of the significant downpour. Most of these callers were transferred through to the State Emergency Services for emergency assistance during the event.
Following the clearing of the weather on Saturday, Southern Cross Housing engaged our contractors to start the immediate make-safe work required at the properties where flooding was reported. Floor Coverings were removed in some properties and drying equipment brought in.
On the opening of Business hours the following Monday, the Southern Cross Housing Property Services Team conducted site inspections of all reported properties that suffered internal flooding as well as any other properties where internal flooding was suspected but may not have been reported.
20 Properties were inspected on the following Monday, with contractors utilised to carry out further make-safe works, including but not limited to, water extraction, floor covering removal, treatment of floors etc. Where a property was deemed temporarily uninhabitable, these tenancies were referred for temporary accommodation assistance.
The replacement of affected/removed floor coverings has been organised with a local flooring installer engaged and scheduled to complete the replacement of damaged flooring by Friday the 19th of April.
Southern Cross Housing are also working with the Shoalhaven Council regarding a failed Levee at the rear of Maleen St, Bomaderry that experienced significant flooding.
Southern Cross Housing feels for and is working with our tenants who were impacted by the storm event and have assisted with tenancy support/relief as well as temporary accommodation where appropriate. SCH will continue to liaise with tenants next week, with referrals to Service NSW – Disaster Relief Grant Support being offered.
Any tenant affected by the storm event may call 1300 757 855 for assistance.