Covid Safe Practice

  To provide Covid safe spaces, Southern Cross Housing asks for your assistance. We will be conducting most Tenancy business over the phone rather than face to face, if your Housing Officer is unable to take your call straight away, we will return calls within 1 business day. If you...

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SCH Celebrates Seniors

Southern Cross Housing Celebrates Seniors   Each year during April NSW celebrates seniors with the largest festival of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. This annual event is designed to celebrate the role seniors play and the contributions they make to communities across NSW. These celebrations give people over...

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SCH Celebrates NAIDOC Week 2020

Southern Cross Housing Celebrates 2020 NAIDOC Week   Across Australia NAIDOC week is usually celebrated in July. This important event aims to recognise and celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year celebrations were not held in July due to Coronavirus and...

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NAIDOC Week 2020

SCH Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2020 –   Southern Cross Housing are proud to share with you the events below that have been put together by our Communities Assist Team.  NAIDOC Week is a week dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating that our nation’s story didn’t simply begin with documented European...

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The purpose of Keys2Renting is to equip participants to obtain and sustain a private rental property. It is particularly designed for participants who have had little experience in the private rental market. Young people in particular, do not have a rent reference and find it difficult to obtain housing...

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